Sand Volcano Fun for Kids

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Making a sand volcano is tons of fun for kids!  You can easily set this activity up at the beach or right in your sand box.  Rosie and Jewel really look forward to making beach volcanoes every Summer.

How to Make a Sand Volcano
Making a sand volcano is tons of fun for kids!  You can easily set this activity up at the beach or right in your sand box.
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You only need a few common materials for this activity, making it really easy to set up when traveling.

  • Sand
  • A Sand Bucket
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Optional: food coloring
All you have to do to form the volcano is take a beach bucket and pack sand up and around it. Continue adding sand until the bucket is fully covered and the desired shape is formed.  The bucket makes the perfect core, and you most likely always have one on hand when playing in the sand or visiting the beach.  I have found that using a taller, skinnier bucket produces the perfect volcano shape

Making a sand volcano is tons of fun for kids!  You can easily set this activity up at the beach or right in your sand box.

I filled the bucket acting as the core 3/4 of the way with sand so that it would take less baking soda and vinegar to make it fully erupt.  Then it was time to PLAY!  Add up to a cup of baking soda to the volcano, pour in the desired amount of vinegar, and then ....... 

Making a sand volcano is tons of fun for kids!  You can easily set this activity up at the beach or right in your sand box. Making a sand volcano is tons of fun for kids!  You can easily set this activity up at the beach or right in your sand box.

The most amazing sand volcano will quickly bubble over and erupt right before your eyes 

Making a sand volcano is tons of fun for kids!  You can easily set this activity up at the beach or right in your sand box.

Rosie loved pouring the baking soda and vinegar and was delighted by each eruption

Making a sand volcano is tons of fun for kids!  You can easily set this activity up at the beach or right in your sand box.
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She made the volcano erupt over and over again..... until we were out of vinegar.  This is one of my favorite activities to set up for the girls during long beach visits.  It only takes a moment, and the fun they get out if it makes me smile for days.

Other Fun Ways To Play With Sand

Sticky Sand          Homemade Colored Sand          Sand Slime
Sticky sand is lots of fun for kids to play with.  It acts like wet sand, but it isn't actually wet.  It sticks together well, creating a perfect molding sand for sculpting and creating    Make your own colored sand- so easy and so much cheaper than the store bought stuff!   How to make Sand Slime.  What could be more fun than super stretchy, OOZING sand?  Out of all the ways we have played with sand this has definitely been a favorite!  This recipe is super easy, too!

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