Simple Sensory Play - Ice and Water

Simple and fun sensory play perfect for babies and toddlers!

  Colored Ice Cubes & Water

To make colored ice cubes simply add a few drops of food coloring to water in an ice cube tray and freeze. You can also add Kool-aid for even more FUN! 

I set this activity up for Jewel to explore while Rosie was swimming, but Rosie couldn't resist joining in.  All I did was set out a container of water with the colored ice on the side.  Both girls had lots of fun chasing the colored ice and splashing around in the water.  You can also set this simple activity up in the bath.

Chasing the ice was great for Jewel's fine motor development and hand eye coordination.

Not only was handling the ice a fun way to cool off, but also made for fantastic sensory exploration

This was a perfect sensory activity for Jewel 

Both girls loved this simple activity so much we went through all three trays of colored ice I had stored away in the freezer.  After we were out of ice Rosie kept asking for more!

We will definitely be returning to this activity often, especially during the hot weather months!

We also recently played with GOOP and ice, and that was quite fun!

Goop amd ice sensory activity

For lots more sensory play activities for baby check out our collection!
baby sensory play activites

Simple Sensory Play with ice & Water
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