Summer always seems to go by so fast! It is my favorite time of year, and we never seem to get to all the fun things I want to do. There are just so many ways to play and have fun in the warm weather! Perhaps having a collection of fabulous play ideas at hand will help us cram as much into our days as possible!
Summer Bucket List
I have scoured my favorite children's sites, and collected 150 Summer activities that we have either done and loved, or that we have seen on favorite sites and want to do before Summer's end. Let's make this the BEST Summer yet!
Ice ~~~~~ Chilled Out Play ~~~~~ Ice
Explore color theory using ice Red Ted Art
MAGIC Treasure Ice Growing a Jeweled Rose
shaving cream & ice paint Growing A Jeweled Rose
Freezing toys in ice Busy Hands Blessed Hearts
Ice painting Growing A Jeweled Rose
MAGIC Treasure Ice Growing a Jeweled Rose
Freezing toys in ice Busy Hands Blessed Hearts
Ice painting Growing A Jeweled Rose
Painting a T-shirt with ice The Iowa Farmers Wife
Ice letter hunt Reading Confetti
Ice slide painting Putti's World
Hallowed ice balloons Sense of Wonder
Explore with ice & salt Putti's World
Superhero Ice Castles Daily Dose of Delight
Ice Princess Sensory World Growing A Jeweled Rose
Sensory Play with Summer Snow Growing a Jeweled Rose

Sensory Play with Summer Snow Growing a Jeweled Rose

Natural ice boats Reading Confetti
Build with ice cubes Train Up a Child
Ice Bowling A Little Learning for Two
Chalk~~ Sidewalk Chalk ~~ Chalk
Create a small world using sidewalk chalk Childhood Beckons!
Sight word hopscotch Mom to Posh Lil Divas
Disappearing Letters activity Reading Confetti
Chalk color match game Inspiration Laboratories
Homemade FIZZING Sidewalk Paint Growing a Jeweled Rose
Chalk Ice ( Chilled Out Sidewalk Chalk) Growing a Jeweled Rose
Chalk Ice ( Chilled Out Sidewalk Chalk) Growing a Jeweled Rose

Sidewalk Chalk Body Painting Train Up a Child
Word scavenger hunt Playdough to Plato
Rainbow trees Craft Interrupted
Make an outdoor chalk road Create with Your Hands
Chalk and puddle play Mama Pea Pod
Make an outdoor chalkboard Mommy Musings and Mayhem
Bubbles ~~ Bubbles ~~ Bubbles
Colorful bubble art Childhood Beckons!
Make body engulfing bubbles Grand Pins
Giant Sponge Sensory Play Growing A Jeweled Rose

Homemade colored bubbles Rainy Day Mum
10 fun ways to chase bubbles Kids Activities Blog
Make square shaped bubbles Science Sparks
One minute bubble solution Tinkerlab
Dish Soap Foam Dirt and Boogers
Make bubble snakes Come Together Kids
Make pretend potions like The Chocolate Muffin Tree
Bubbling concoctions Growing A Jeweled Rose

Games ~Outdoor Games ~ Games
Go on a line hunt Living Montessori Now
Pretend play fishing Childhood Beckons

Red Light, Green Light Childhood Beckons
Water pistol target range Inner Child Fun
Giant marbles Family Fun
Fishing for letters Growing A Jeweled Rose
Kick the can Mother Nature Network
Capture the Flag Mom it Forward
8 fun water games Family Fun
Sponge bomb bucket toss Inner Child Fun
Blanket vollyball Fun Attic
Play wet potato Suite 101
Water filled cup races Create My Event
Have cup races Happy Home Fairy
Make a pool noodle backyard obstacle course Train Up a Child

Water Play ~~ Water Play ~~ Water Play
Paint the sidewalk with water Creative with Kids
Give your child an assortment of containers The Imagination Tree
DIY Backyard Water Park Event Horizons
DIY Backyard Water Park Event Horizons
A tub of water Teach Preschool
Exploring what will sink/float Teach Preschool
Ice age water bin Happy Hooligans
Water and Sponge Play Mama Mia's Heart to Heart
Water balloons in the play pool Train Up a Child
Ocean Small World Famiglia & Seoul
Explore simple water Science Creative Connections for Kids
Wash the car together Laugh with Us
Water beads in the play pool Train up a Child!
Give your dolls a bath Mama Peapod
Dinosaur water bin like Happy Hooligans!
Summer Sensory Pools Growing A Jeweled Rose
Princess Sensory Pool Growing A Jeweled Rose

3 imaginative water play ideas Learn with Play at Home
Colored water play A Little Learning for Two
Explore with scrap plumbing parts Happy Hooligans
Put out fires Toddler Approved
Water transfer activity Learn with Play at Home!
Make sailboats Irresistible Ideas for Play based Learning
DIY water wall Timkerlab
Watering the garden alphabet game Toddler Approved
Make your own slip-n-slide Inner Child Fun!
Water bottle water fountain Toddler Approved
Make a tin foil river Little Panda's Playschool
Play with water balloons Paint Cut Paste
Water balloon towel toss Love, Play, Learn
Give your cozy coup a wash JDaniel4's Mom
Floating sponge sculptures The Chocolate Muffin Tree!

Rain Shadows The Chocolate Muffin Tree
Diving for Sharks Toddler Approved
Play water tag About
Origami Water Bombs Eden Project
Squirt races Essential Baby
Spray painting with colored water Paint Cut Paste
Sand ~~ Sand ~~ Sand
It just wouldn't feel like Summer without some sand play!
Make sand castles- Mommy with Selective Memory
Paint sandcastles Sandy Toes & Popsicles

Tell stories in the sand Paint Cut Paste
Make your own sandbox The Golden Gleam
Colored sand ice cream shop A Little Learning for Two!
Make a thrifty sandbox like Mama Smiles
Make sand art The Chocolate Muffin Tree
Don't have the real thing? Try these fun alternatives!
Make cloud dough like Tinkerlab
Color it and set up a cloud dough ice cream shop like Inner Child Fun
Cornmeal Castles Sensory Play from Creative with Kids
~~ Play After Dark ~~
I jut love warm Summer nights, and always loved playing after dark as a child. Here are some fun ways to extend those Summer days by playing into the night!
Go camping in your own backyard like Kids Stuff World
Play flashlight tag like Creative Family Fun!
Catch fireflies Crafty Moms Share
Put glow sticks in balloons and take them outside- A Little Learning for Two
outdoor family movie night like Simple Pleasures

Go on a glow stick hunt like Childhood Beckons
Go on a scavenger hunt with a flashlight like
Play Sleeping Pirate-
Explore with submersible LED lights in the play pool!
Whew! There you have it! 150 Summer Play Ideas!
There are so many activities on this list I am hoping to get to this Summer, and time is just flying by! We better get busy! How many do you think you can fit in?
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