Dirt & Worms Sensory Play

{For all the best kids activities follow Growing a Jeweled Rose on Pinterest and Facebook}
This activity only took me a moment to throw together, and my girls had so much fun.  The delighted screeches and grossed out giggles as each worm was discovered were enough to have me brimming from ear to ear.

Dirt & Worms Sensory Play
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Digging for "worms" - this activity takes a minute to throw together & my kids couldn't stop giggling.  You will never believe what we used for our worms

All I needed for this activity was a bit of dirt and a bit of left over pasta from dinner.

Dirt & Worms Materials
  • Dirt
  • Left over spaghetti noodles
  • Optional: magnifying glasses, bug houses, tweezers, and diggers

What We Did:
This spare of the moment activity truly only took a minute to put together.  All I did was fill a sensory bin with dirt and toss in left over spaghetti noodles from dinner the night before.  I buried the "worms" in the dirt, and then I tossed in magnifying glasses, bug houses, and tweezers, all of which were purchased from the dollar store.  The girls were so excited to dig for worms

Digging for "worms" - a fun activity that will have the kids laughing and screeching

Digging for "worms" - a fun activity that will have the kids laughing and screechingDigging for "worms" - a fun activity that will have the kids laughing and screeching

Digging for "worms" - a fun activity that will have the kids laughing and screeching

Digging for "worms" - a fun activity that will have the kids laughing and screechingDigging for "worms" - a fun activity that will have the kids laughing and screeching

Rosie and Jewel played and played, laughing & squealing with each "worm" that was found.  Once all the worms were collected we headed in and watched a few videos about worms.  After nap time we found a few more fun ways to play with our worms.  Be sure to follow us on Pinterest so you don't miss what we came up with.

Other Fun Activities for Kids

Sand Volcano              Sand SLIME             Ice Cream in a Bag
Making a sand volcano is tons of fun for kids!  You can easily set this activity up at the beach or right in your sand box.   How to make Sand Slime.  What could be more fun than super stretchy, OOZING sand?  Out of all the ways we have played with sand this has definitely been a favorite!  This recipe is super easy, too!   

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