Kid Made Bird Feeders

Making bird feeders is a fun Spring activity I look forward to doing with my girls every year.  Rosie and Jewel delight in watching the birds come and eat from their feeders.  Here is one easy way to make bird feeders with kids.

Kid Made Bird Feeders
Kid made bird feeders; a fun & easy craft for Spring
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Bird Feeder Materials
  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Peanut butter
  • Bird seed
  • Spreading tools (we used butter knives)
  •  Give each child a toilet paper roll and have them carefully cover it in peanut butter
Kid made bird feeders; a fun & easy craft for Spring

Kid made bird feeders; a fun & easy craft for Spring

  • Once covered have kids roll the toilet roll in bird seed
Kid made bird feeders; a fun & easy craft for Spring

Kid made bird feeders; a fun & easy craft for Spring

  • That's it!  Once the feeder is covered in seed it is ready to be hung
Kid made bird feeders; a fun & easy craft for Spring Kid made bird feeders; a fun & easy craft for Spring
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We hung our bird feeders just outside Rosie and Jewel's window so that they could watch the birds.  Each morning the girls are so excited to check and see if any animals are eating from their feeders.  It is amazing how such a simple craft can bring such great joy.

Kid made bird feeders; a fun & easy craft for Spring

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