Gardening Sensory Play and Flower Shop

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Spring is upon us!  We have already been experiencing beautiful warm weather where we are, and have been making the most of it!  We have been exploring nature, making mud pies in our Mud Pie Kitchen, and have even started our garden.  Rosie loved planting flowers and playing in the dirt so much., that I thought she would really love a gardening sensory bin

I used some left over potting soil as the base for this bin.  I picked up a couple different artificial flower arrangements at The Dollar Tree, threw in a couple small planters and a shovel, and voila!  I also added a touch of rose essential oil to really bring the bin to life.

Rosie loved it!  Since we had just done a bit of gardening, she knew exactly what to do, and went right to planting!

Rosie planted lots of flowers and then we set up a pretend flower shop

Creating our floral shop was easy.  I just ran in and got Rosie's cash register, borrowed the table from our mud pie kitchen, and made a cute little sign. 

Rosie seemed so proud of her potted plants as she carefully carried each one over to set up shop.

Rosie loved this pretend play set up.  Needles to say, I bought a lot of flowers,and I swear I paid for some of them more then once ;)


Check out our sensory bin collection for lots more ideas!

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