Easy Homemade Watercolors

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Here is a new and easy way to make your own watercolor cakes using only two ingredients that you likely have on hand.  Not only are these watercolors incredibly easy to make, but they also FIZZ.

Easy Homemade Watercolors
make your own watercolor cakes using only two ingredients that you likely have on hand.  Not only are these watercolors incredibly easy to make, but they also FIZZ.

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This is just one of the many uses we have found for baking soda in our paint recipes.  For tons more great recipes for play be sure to visit our play recipes collection.

Homemade Watercolor Materials
  • Baking soda
  • Food coloring
  • Water
  • An ice cube tray or similar
These watercolors really couldn't be easier to make.  All you have to do is fill each slot of your ice cube tray 3/4 of the way with baking soda.  Add a few drops of food coloring to each slot, and then slowly add water and gently mix each slot.  As you add water the baking soda will dissolve.  Add a bit more baking soda to each slot until you have a really thick consistency with minimal residual water.  From here you can leave the watercolor cakes to dry, or you can pop the tray in the freezer for faster results.  Drying out of the freezer may take up to two days, but in the freezer the watercolor cakes will be set in 3-4 hours

make your own watercolor cakes using only two ingredients that you likely have on hand.  Not only are these watercolors incredibly easy to make, but they also FIZZ.

Once the watercolor cakes are set you will be left with beautifully vibrant paints that kids can use again and again; all you need is a bit of water and a few brushes!

make your own watercolor cakes using only two ingredients that you likely have on hand.  Not only are these watercolors incredibly easy to make, but they also FIZZ.make your own watercolor cakes using only two ingredients that you likely have on hand.  Not only are these watercolors incredibly easy to make, but they also FIZZ.

make your own watercolor cakes using only two ingredients that you likely have on hand.  Not only are these watercolors incredibly easy to make, but they also FIZZ.
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One other really cool thing about these watercolors is that they FIZZ!  You can give kids vinegar instead of water to use, and the paints will bubble as they create art.  Another fun way to play is to let kids paint their art using water like normal.  Then after they can squirt their creations with vinegar to make fizzing art.

A Few Tips:  One batch of watercolors has lasted my girls for weeks.  You can leave the watercolors to air dry between uses, or you can store them in the freezer, which is what I do.

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