Fishing for Letters

We recently bought a little magnetic fishing rod at Walmart for Rosie to play with at bath.  It was only $3 and came with three fish.  We had no idea when we bought it how much she would love it!  It is her favorite bath toy at the moment, and we have A LOT of bath toys!

Rosie loves it so much, I have been trying to incorporate the fishing rod into other playtimes.  I always try to extend her interests, and her toys.  We had beautiful weather here the other day.  Perfect fishing weather for sure!

Fishing for letters that is!

This was such simple fun, and quite an educational play activity too!  I filled our kiddie pool with some water, tossed in a set of magnetic letters, and fetched Rosie's rod from the bath.  Then, it was time to fish!

Fishing for letters
Oh my, did Rosie love this!
"Look Mommy!  I got one!"
Rosie was so excited each time she caught a letter

Catching the letters took lots of concentration and hand eye coordination.

Each time she caught a letter, I would ask her to tell me about her catch.  I would ask her what letter it was, and what sound the letter made.  This was a great exercise for learning and reinforcing the alphabet. 

We talked about the color of the letters too, adding some color reinforcement to the playtime.

This activity was so much fun!  This is definitely the most fun we have had learning the alphabet (so far).  Rosie had quite a great catch for the day too!

Once the playtime was over, we sat down with the letters she caught, and went over them again.  I also made a big production about how proud I was of her, and how excellent a fisher she is.  I just love filling her with a sense of pride, and seeing her confidence grow <3

While Jewel is still a little young to participate in many of our activities, she is always a part of them in some way.  She thoroughly enjoyed watching Rosie fish while chewing on a teething ring ( baby bliss).  Then, once Rosie was done fishing, the girls enjoyed some good old fashioned pool time :)

Have you had fun exploring the alphabet with your little ones lately?  I am always on the look out for fun ideas, and would love for you to share any with me that you may have!

Fishing for Letters- SO FUN!

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