Painting with Pine Cones

We recently made pine cone bird feeders, and had some left over pine cones.  So,  we decided to try painting with them!  This was such a fun way to paint, and quite a sensory experience as well!

To set up this activity I poured paint into a sectioned food tray, and set out the pine cones and a piece of poster board.

This set up made it easy for Rosie to cover the pine cones in paint.  She placed them in the paint, and moved the tray back and forth, easily covering them.

Rosie started out using one of the pine cones like a stamp

  Then she just had to put her hands in the paint.  Rosie loves sensory play, and always insists on exploring with her hands and feet.

Then Rosie began throwing the pine cones at the paper

She loved this!  

This painting method ended up being a form of physical exercise and was great for large body movement.

And the texture of the paint and the pine cones together was quite fun!

So fun that in addition to painting the paper, Rosie enjoyed a little finger painting, and painted the pine cones themselves.

While Rosie enjoyed painting, Jewel enjoyed a little pine cone exploration of her own.

Of course for her, that meant tasting it!

Isn't the pine cone art fabulous?  I just love how the painting turned out!

Now that is process art with a pretty ending!

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