Rain Clouds in a Jar
Before making rain clouds in a jar discuss how it rains and what causes rain to form. Review where rain comes from and the process of how rain clouds form. The girls and I Googled a few questions and discussed some of the information we found. We also read a few weather related books. You can find a great collection of weather books for kids below.
Rain Clouds in a Jar Materials (affiliate links provided)
- Shaving cream
- Water
- Clear cups or jars
- Blue food coloring or watercolors
- Pipettes or droppers
- Fill the jars or containers you are using 3/4 of the way with water and then top with shaving cream. Allow a few minutes for the shaving cream to fully settle on top of the water
- In a bowl mix several drops of blue food coloring with a little bit of water. Add a pipette or two, and the experiment can begin
- Inserting the tip of the pipette into the cloud helped the cloud to fill. Have them squeeze more and more blue water into the cloud. As the cloud fills with water it will begin to rain
- Simple and fun Science kids LOVE!
You can also set up this experiment in the bath. We first did this as part of a weather themed bath, and Rosie loved it! Be sure to check it out for more weather activities for kids.
Books About Weather for Young Children
Click the affiliated photos to read a description of each book and take a peek inside. These are all available for purchase on Amazon.
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