Sensory Play for Babies

Whenever I have an activity planned for Rosie that Jewel is not able to be a part of,  I try to give her a similar activity to enjoy alongside her big sister.  The other day, while Rosie was playing with ice paint and shaving cream, I gave Jewel some shaving cream in a bag.

Shaving Cream Sensory Play for Baby

Shaving Cream play

This was a perfect sensory activity for baby Jewel!  I was able to divide my attention between my two girls without having to worry if Jewel was putting the sensory material in her mouth.  She was able to play and explore freely without my having to put limitations on her.

The shaving cream bag felt amazing too!  Not only did Jewel love squeezing and squishing it, but so did Rosie and mommy!

Have you ever put shaving cream in a ziplock bag before?  It feels amazing! It is truly fun for all ages!

I added blue and yellow food coloring to the bag without thinking of the fact that they mix to create a new color, and this activity meant for Jewel ended up also being a fantastic illustration for Rosie of how colors mix to create other colors.

Rosie could clearly see the blue and yellow food coloring coming together to make green.

Jewel had such a blast exploring without mommy having to tell her not to taste the sensory materials, and I also didn't have to worry about her getting it in her eyes.

Shaving Cream play

She explored in so many ways, and at the end of the playtime, she was clean!  Now that is some fantastic messy play! 

Click the photo below for lots more sensory activities for baby!
baby sensory play activites

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