Mud Pie Kitchen

mud pie kitchen

 We have very limited outdoor space, but we were able to dedicate a nook of our back deck to be used as an outdoor play kitchen! I am so excited to see what the girls create.... mud pies, imagination tea, magical muffins, perhaps some prickly ball soup.  I made this space with the imagination in mind, and kept it as plain and natural looking as possible.

mud pie kitchen

I scurried my home and collected odds and ends that could come together to make this kitchen.  We had a few wooden wine boxes in the basement that my husband had collected with no real purpose in mind.  We finally found a way to put them to use. One acts as a cupboard.  A few others come together to make a brick oven.

mud pie kitchen

The cupboard stores earthly treasures we collected when out on our recent Nature Walks. These are to act as ingredients for the girls cooking creations.  I especially love the decorative garden sink I found at a local discount department store for just a couple dollars.  It makes a perfect addition to our outdoor kitchen.

I found this basin for a couple dollars as well, and it is perfect for holding our mud pie mixture.

More cooking ingredients are kept right below the "chef's counter" along with utensils

mud pie kitchen

I filled a wooden box with mud pie pans, muffin tins, and other dishes for Rosie and Jewel's creations, all of which I purchased at The Dollar Tree.  We also have a collection of sticks to use as stirring sticks. 

I am so excited to see what Rosie and Jewel create and cook up in their outdoor play kitchen! I am especially excited to see their mud pie creations!   I adored making mud pies as a child, and can not wait to relive those fond memories with Jewel and Rosie.

mud pie kitchen

One of the great things about an outdoor kitchen like this is that you can create one with just about any materials.  Even bricks and some scrap wood would make a fantastic space for making mud pies!

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