Love Themed Sensory Bath

  I created this bath for Rosie and Jewel on Valentine's Day, but you could make a love themed sensory bath any time of year.  This would surely be a fun way to express love year round.  This bath is also something anyone could enjoy and could easily be modified for an adult.

I colored the water using pink food coloring.  Food coloring does not stain the bath or skin when used in this way.    I scented the water using rose essential oil and added imitation rose petals purchased from The Dollar Tree.

I also added foam Valentine's Day shapes

Rosie loved sticking the shapes on the wall.  She would put them all on the wall and then pull them all off.   You could write reasons why you love the person you are making the bath for on the foam shapes as a way to express your love.  I only wrote on one of the foam shapes to illustrate the idea..  Given how young Rosie and Jewel are I decided to skip this for now.

I also set out some fun Valentine's themed head bands and heart shaped glasses for the girls, both purchased from The Dollar Tree.

Rosie had a lot of fun being silly with the glasses

Jewel loves bath time, and was delighted to simply splash around in the rose scented water

She also loved chasing the rose petals.  This was great for her developing hand-eye coordination.

Jewel did not put any of the petals in her mouth, but I was closely watching her.  If you are creating fun baths for a young child please be mindful of choking hazards as many babies would surely explore the petals with their mouths.

Rosie really enjoyed gathering the rose petals in this bucket and then dumping them back out.  She did this several times.

This was a fun and simple way to celebrate my little Valentines! 

I really loved that Jewel was able to enjoy this fun bath with Rosie.  Jewel is still so little, and I am constantly trying to find activities that they both can enjoy.   This was Jewel's first Valentine's Day, and I think this bath was a fun and simple way to make it special for her.


Create a special bath for your children on Valentine's Day as a way to make it special for them
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