Rainbow Craft for Kids

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Here is a simple and fun rainbow craft the kids are sure to love.  I remember making this craft when I was a kid, and it was really special to get to recreate it with my own children.

Cereal Rainbow Craft for Kids
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  • Fruit Loops or a similar cereal
  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Markers or crayons
  • Cotton balls
  • Begin by having kids draw the outline of a rainbow on their paper.  If your children are younger you can draw the rainbow outline for them like I did
Rainbow Craft for Kids
  • Have kids cover the rainbow lines in glue, and then the real fun can begin!  I gave Rosie and Jewel a large bowl of Fruit Loops, and they had lots of fun sorting the colors and placing them onto the rainbow lines
Rainbow Craft for Kids

This craft is great for reviewing colors & color sorting, and you can sneak in a bit of early math concepts, too!

Rainbow Craft for Kids
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Rainbow Craft for Kids

Once their rainbows were complete Rosie and Jewel glued a cloud to the end using cotton balls

Rainbow Craft for Kids

Rainbow Craft for Kids

This simple craft kept the girls busy for a while, and they were really proud of their works of art.  Once they were dry we hung them on the wall to add a bit of color and sunshine to our indoor play space.

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