Make a Candy Cane rainbow {Experiment for Kids}

Making a candy cane rainbow is a simple and FUN experiment that the kids are sure to love!  This is one fun way to use one of the many candy canes you are sure to have lying around this holiday.

Make a Candy Cane Rainbow
Make a Candy Cane Rainbow (FUN Science Experiment for Kids)
Experiment for Kids
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All you need for this fun experiment is a rainbow candy cane and water.  Simply place the candy cane in a shallow pan of water and observe

Candy cane rainbow experiment

A rainbow will quickly form

Eventually all of the stripes will disappear from the candy cane

Candy cane rainbow experiment

Candy cane rainbow experiment

And if the candy cane is left to sit in the water long enough it will completely disappear.

Add to the experiment and place rainbow candy canes in different liquids.  Try one in cold water, one in hot water, and one in oil.  What happens?  Will all the liquids have the same effect?  We later tried this and discovered that the candy cane placed in oil did not change at all, not even after days of being in the tray of oil.

The science behind the fun is simple.  Sugar dissolves in water.  Sugar does not dissolve in oil or other liquids.  Why?  We did this experiment mostly just for fun, but more on the Science can be found here.

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