Today's guest post comes from The Fairy and the Frog, a children's site with lots of fun play ideas for little ones. Today she shares a Beach Themed Small World!
Hi, I'm guest posting today from over at The Fairy and The Frog. Here's some fun we had the other day playing with cloud dough. We love making cloud dough. The recipe is so simple - 4 cups of flour (we usually use plain/ all purpose flour) and 1/2 to 3/4 cup of oil (you can use baby oil but we use vegetable oil. NB baby oil is dangerous if a child inhales it so use with caution) and mix together.
Abracadabra you have a funky play substance! For those who haven't played with it its a bit like wet sand- only nicer.
So what does wet sand lead to.... small world beach play of course.
I set up the scene with a little help from 'The Fairy'. She carefully positioned some tiny shells.
We included a towel cut up from an old flannel, for the princess to lie on (why we have a princess on the beach I'm not quite sure but she had to come!), a parasol made from card and a kebab stick (sharp ends removed).
Obviously the mum needed some sea to float in (made from water in tupperware with a tiny bit of blue food colouring).
Every trip to the sea needs a sandcastle.
And you can't forget the ice cream seller (not sure why he needs goggles- I guess selling ice cream can be dangerous!)
How do you like playing with cloud dough? What's your child's favourite small world play scene?

Check out her blog at The Fairy and The Frog. You can also find her on Twitter, Facebook, Pintrest and Google +, featuring family friendly play, craft and fun
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