Fun with Sensory Bags

Jewel really loved the Shaving Cream Sensory Bag I recently made so I decided to make some more fun sensory bags!

Sensory Bags for Kids

sensory bags
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Sensory bags are so easy to make, and so fun!  I myself have had quite a hard time putting them down.  You can put anything in them, and once you start making them, you might find it is quite hard to stop.  We have made so many including glowing sensory bags, Halloween sensory bags, and a Grinch goo bag.

My favorite sensory bag out of the ones we have made so far is the Soapy Sparkle Squish Bag!

sensory bags

To make it, I filled a ziplock bag with one bottle of blue ocean body wash which I purchased at The Dollar Tree.  Then I tossed in a bunch of confetti that we had left over from Jewel's birthday party.   I reinforced the ziplock bag with clear packaging tape before giving it to the girls.

This sensory bag is so FUN!  The more you handle it the more soapy bubbles you create, and the best part, they sparkle!

Rosie has been loving the Eye Spy Alphabet Squish Bag!

eye spy alphabet game

This sensory bag has been great for letter recognition and other early literacy skills.

To make the Eye Spy Alphabet Bag, I filled a clear ziplock bag with one bottle of clear hair gel which I also purchased from The Dollar Tree, and then tossed in Rosie's light table letters.   

Rosie loves being asked to find letters.  She will squish the contents around until she is able to locate the letter asked, and then quickly asks for me to give her another.

As she finds each letter, we talk about it's phonetic sound. 

Both girls have also really liked the Ocean Squish bag!

sensory bag

For this sensory bag, I used the same hair gel mentioned above, and dyed it blue with a few drops of food coloring.  Then I  tossed in some of Rosie's sea life creatures.

To go with the Ocean sensory bag, I also made a beach themed sensory bag.

For this one, I dyed the hair gel yellow and added a bit of sand and sea shells.

Given that Jewel just celebrated her birthday with a beach themed party, these two bags were a great way to connect to all of the activities that surrounded the the parties theme.

Both girls have really enjoyed these sensory bags, and they are so easy to make.  All you need are some ziplock bags, packaging tape, and a little bit of imagination.  You really can fill them with anything! You could use shampoo, conditioner, lotion, or even water.

I have seen so many other fun sensory bags out there besides the ones we have made.

.  Here are a few of my favorites:

Simple Watermelon Sensory Bags from Teach Preschool
Paint Mixing Sensory Bags from The Chocolate Muffin Tree
Sensory bag for Baby from Plain Vanilla Mom
Fishy Aquarium Sensory Bags from Teach Preschool

As I was making these, another sensory bag idea was formed.  Check back with us to see what FUN twist I put on the sensory bag concept!

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