Messy Bath Play- Painted Small World Scene

Time for more messy play in the bath & sink!  

 For those of you visiting Growing A Jeweled Rose for the first time, the purpose of this series is to encourage messy play by illustrating how easy it can be to contain and clean any mess.  Each week,  The Golden Gleam will share a messy  play activity in the sink, and I will share a fun playtime in the bath.

This week, I had lots of fun tapping into my own creativity by creating a painted small world scene in our bath.

Painted Small World Scene Bath Scene

The bath made a perfect canvas for creating a small world scene.  I used washable tempera paint, and painted the scene onto the inner walls of our tub, making for a wonderful surprise playtime for Rosie to discover upon waking from her nap.

Rosie was so excited, and spent the afternoon getting lost in a wonderful world of make believe.

I left the small world scene set up all afternoon, and Rosie returned to it often throughout the day.  Unlike other small worlds that we have created, she was able to actually get into this scene, and really become a part of the world.

Then, when bath time came, Rosie had lots of fun washing the play scene off the tub using soapy sponges. All the mess washed right down the drain!

Note- Be sure to use washable paint, and everything should wash right down the drain.  We have painted our tub several times and have only occasionally had any residual color.  If that ever happens fill a spray bottle with bleach and it will take it right off!

Creating this painted small world scene only took me a few minutes, and gave me the opportunity to tap into my own creativity.  After Rosie's bath, I had a clean canvas ready to create future small world scenes.

Other Activities in this series:

Also be sure to pop over to The Golden Gleam and check out this weeks messy play activity in the sink!

We share fun activities several times a week!  
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