Nature Sensory Bin

While on one of our recent nature walks, we stumbled upon a field of these!
Blooming Cattails!
As soon as I saw them, I immediately thought they would make a fantastic base material for a sensory bin.

Rosie had so much fun playing with the blooming cattails as we collected them.

We spent the rest of our walk collecting other Earthly treasures to include in our bin.

Once we were home, Rosie marveled over our harvest as we put together our sensory bin.  Rosie had so much fun pulling all of the blooming cattail seedlings from their branches.  They reminded me of cotton candy.

Creating the nature bin was a fun activity in itself.  As we placed the Earthly treasures in the bin, we talked about all their varying colors and textures.  Once finished, this is what the bin looked like.

In addition to the cat tail seedlings, we included rocks, pine cones, prickly balls, daffodils, walnuts, sticks, leaves, and acorns.

The blooming cat tails were such a fun sensory material for Rosie to explore!

She loved blowing them, and then watching them dance in the air

Rosie continues to have so much fun exploring all of her treasures.  She has made many discoveries during her play too.  Like that you can make music from two rocks!

 Dirt would also make a great base for a nature sensory bin.  Straw would be fun too!  Or even just a bin of Earthly treasures! 

I swear, the more that I see the wonder and awe that arises from play like this, the more convinced I am that there is no need for store bought toys.  At the very least, that need is very limited.  We have many toys, and most of them rarely get played with.  This bin however has been explored every day since we created it!

See Our Sensory Bins Collection for more ideas!

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