Turning Bath Time Into Party Time

We love exploring at bath time!  We have created so many fun bath time experiences, with  themed sensory baths being Rosie's favorite!  There are endless possibilities for this bath idea.  Tonight, I wanted to create a birthday themed sensory bath for Rosie.

 Turn Bath Time into Party Time!

This is such a fun way for small children to celebrate their birthday! 

For this bath experience I colored the water using blue food coloring.  We color our bath water often.  It does not stain the skin or bath.  I scented the water with vanilla bath oil to capture the reminiscence of birthday cake.  I hung a happy birthday banner and blew up lots of balloons.  In some of the balloons I hid little gifts.  To do this, simply stretch the balloon around a tiny gift and then blow it up.  I also filled some of the balloons with colored water. I put out a party hat and blow horn.  Lastly, I wrapped a small gift for Rosie to open.

Rosie was so excited when I brought her in for her bath.  She oohed and ahhed upon seeing it.  She immediately wanted to wear her party hat.   Once she was in the bath, she went right for the gift of course.

It was a bath time shape sorter.  Rosie really enjoys puzzles and the like right now and loved it!

Then Rosie noticed the blow horn 

Naturally, she loves creating noise ;)

I then told Rosie that there were gifts hiding  in some of the balloons  

She immediately went to hunting!

"Daddy, help."

Daddy was armed with scissors so he could help retrieve the toys.

There was a tiny bath boat hiding in this balloon.  Rosie loved it!

In this one, a frog

While hunting for toy filled balloons,  Rosie discovered one of the water balloons.

I told her there was yellow water inside and asked her what she thought would happen if Daddy burst the balloon in the tub.  

Anxiously waiting to see what happens!

As soon as Rosie saw the colored water flowing from the balloon, she went on the hunt for another water filled balloon.  As soon as she found one, she handed it over to Daddy.  This time daddy put a tiny slice in the balloon so that Rosie could slowly watch the yellow water flow into the tub.

As Rosie watched, we talked about the bath water, and how it was now green.  This was a great color mixing exercise.  Rosie saw the blue bath water.  She saw the yellow balloon water.  And then she saw the two slowly mix together around her to create green bath water.  She thought this was so neat!

Once all the balloons with surprises had been popped, Rosie played with her new toys.  As she played, we talked about her upcoming birthday party in hopes of building excitement. 

Rosie absolutely loved this bath.  I think she may have even liked it more than the princess themed sensory bath we did recently.  On your child's birthday, why not turn bath time into party time?  It is just another way to show your little one how special they are on their special day!

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Check out the ultimate bath collection for LOTS more bath time fun!

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